Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Friend Zone.

Ok this topic has been a reoccurring theme in my life and I think its time we clear a couple things up. A few weeks ago I ran across this quote and I cannot put this concept into better perspective than this does.

"A woman has a close male friend. This means that he is probably interested in her, which is why he hangs around so much. She sees him strictly as a friend. This always starts out with, you're a great guy, but I don't like you in that way. This is roughly the equivalent for the guy going to a job interview and the company saying, You have a great resume, you have all the qualifications we are looking for, but we're not going to hire you. We will, however, use your resume as the basis for comparison for all other applicants. But, we're going to hire somebody who is far less qualified and is probably an alcoholic. And if he doesn't work out, we'll hire somebody else, but still not you. In fact, we will never hire you. But we will call you from time to time to complain about the person we did hire."

I could just end this post here but ill go on a late night rant because I'm not tired.... and because my roommate is asleep so I can't watch TV. This just sums up how ridiculous some girls can be. That may sound a bit harsh but every guy reading this agrees with me and every girl is laughing a little to themselves because they have a guy or two in mind that fits that exact description.

The very first line should clear up some fog for the girls and I will restate it. Guys DO NOT initially hang out with girls because we want to be friends. We just don't think like that. If we sit by you in class, get your number, text you, sit by you at church, add you on Facebook or have any sort of interaction with you, it is because our intention is to be more than friends. We have friends, plenty of them, so we are hoping you will be something more special to us.

Next, don't refer to a guy as "like a brother" unless he is in fact, from the same womb in which you came from. (Or an African American). I've never heard a guy refer to a girl friend as his sister. That's for one simple reason: we don't want to date our sisters. Also referring to the guy as your "best friend" isn't going to help your cause. Ask any 'happily' (key word here) married couple who their best friend is and they will say their spouces name.

How do you know if a guy is over you and is ok with being in the friend zone? There are a few ways to tell. First he may ask you to set him up with friends you have. And he will openly discuss his interest in other girls with you. But as a disclaimer: this doesn't always mean he's lost interest in you. It could be a tactic to try and make you jealous. Or he could even just be trying to find someone new so he will have a way to lose interest in you. (Not because he wants to, but because your not interested) Another clear cut sign he has accepted his position in the friend zone is his lack of interaction and communication with you. If he stops talking to you and stops asking you to hang out, it means friendship alone wasn't enough. He wanted something more. This does not make him a jerk though. He has just as much right to determine the strength of the relationship as the girl. You wanting to be friends, and him wanting more is equal to, him not wanting anything if he can't be more than friends. Its a sad fact but its true, guys and girls can't always be just friends. Its all or nothing in some cases.

Lastly, your single guy friends don't want to hear about other guys. Especially if you've rejected him, that's insult to injury. That's not rocket science. So what if this other guy is good looking? More than likely he's a douchebag and is going to hurt your you. And as much as we don't want to, your close guy friends will be there for you when he breaks your heart. Because we genuinely care about you. Will that change your opinion about your friend you have locked down in the friend zone? Of course not. Because why would you l want to date your best friend that's always there for you no matter how much it hurts them to watch you keep dating the wrong guy. That would just be silly and too logical of you girls.

There isn't really a conclusion to this rant, because after every valid point made in this blog, girls will continue to lock guys up in the friend zone even though that "friend" is a better match than any tool that looks her way. Its a sad part of reality we face. But hopefully this will open up at least one girls eyes and save a poor guy from the friend zone. He deserves better.


  1. I love all the reposts that this is getting on facebook. Not that I contributed to it, but I'm glad I was consulted on it. I almost feel like I helped with the success...almost

  2. TJ. This is Karyn. :) A few things, as I don't want to occupy too much of your time. I think your argument is a little one sided. Of course it's your blog, so you can do what you want. :)


    I have MANY guy friends that are just friends. Meaning there is no, nor has there ever been romantic feelings of any kind within our relationship. Also, I have had MANY guys tell me that they think of me as a sister.

    Of course, I could be a freak of nature...which we won't discuss here...but I think that life, and more importantly, love is not as black and white as you perceive it. Have you ever told any of these "friends that are girls" that you are interested? Have you ever asked them out and specified it as a "date?"

    You have to be able to see this from both sides.

    If you never make your intentions known, how is a girl supposed to know that every single relationship you enter into is a potential marriage? Unfortunately most of the girls you have been hanging out with are most likely not psychic, and therefore cannot read your mind and tell that you are only befriending them for romantic reasons.

    I have two solutions. First, is learn to be a friend and not muck it up with romantic feelings. (Harder than it sounds, I know...but friendships are totally worth it.) Second, tell a sister up front that you are interested. Not only will it show her you are confident, but you'll probably boost your dating percentage. :)

    TJ--you have always been like a brother to me...but unfortunately things will never work between us. ;)
